Medical Career Loans

Medical Career Loans

A career in medicine as a physician, nurse or other health professional is rewarding but costly to pursue. The MSSC Medical Careers Loan Fund is designed to lesson that burden for students from Sedgwick County. The loan fund provides financial assistance for students going to medical school or training for a career in nursing, medical technology, X-ray technology, inhalation therapy or other allied health field.

Assistance: The loans are for tuition, books, fees, and related expenses and all funds are paid directly to the registrar of the involved school. The amount loaned annually is determined by the fund’s committee, based on the applicant’s financial needs. The loans are low interest and are a maximum of $6,000 per school year ($3,000 per semester). Repayment begins following completion of residency or other training. Learn more by this guide to MCLF Policies and Procedures

Application: To apply for a loan, please complete the MCLF Loan Application Form and the Letter of Reference and return by September 1st to:

Medical Society of Sedgwick County
1102 S. Hillside
Wichita, Kansas 67211