Community Initiatives

Community Initiatives

Physicians who care for their community.


Transportable Physician Orders for Patient Preferences — is designed to improve the quality of care patients with chronic, advanced or terminal illnesses receive at the end of life by translating their treatment goals and preferences into their medical orders that travels throughout the area health care continuum.


Kansas Sports Concussion Partnership — Making sports in Kansas safer is the goal of the Kansas Sports Concussion Partnership, a project sponsored by the Kansas Medical Society. The Kansas Legislature provided momentum to KSCP’s work when it passed a bill in April 2011 (HB 2182) requiring a MD or DO to authorize a student athlete’s return to practice and play following a suspected concussion.


Sedgwick County EMS — A team of physicians on the EMS Physicians Advisory Committee help set medical protocols for the EMS System. They provide oversight review and regular monitoring for the community’s paramedics and first responders.

Project Access

Project Access – initiated by MSSC in 1999 to address the needs of low-income, uninsured residents of Sedgwick County. A physician-led program, which efficiently coordinates donated medical care and services provided by physicians, area hospitals, pharmacies and other providers.

Tobacco Free Wichita

Tobacco Free Wichita– the oldest coalition of its kind in Kansas. For 50 years, residents of Wichita and some of the surrounding communities have worked together to reduce the harm associated with tobacco use.


Maternal Infant Health Coalition — strives to improve maternal and infant health outcomes in Sedgwick County. The community-based coalition focuses on quality preconception and perinatal care and promotes data-driven evidence-based practices and quality improvement processes.


Wichita Quality Health Collaborative – a committee of Wichita health care providers and staff who focus on safe surgical practices. The committee created standardized surgical time-out protocols for use in operating rooms and ambulatory facilities across Wichita. It also has focused on resident training, emergency checklist protocols and other procedures and processes. The committee’s goal is to make Wichita the safest place in the country to undergo surgery.


Young Physicians Group – WD<40 (Wichita Docs Under 40) hosts mixers and other events that enable young physicians to network and get to know each other.

Brown Family Fund

Black Physician Recruitment — working to increase the number of African American physicians to help improve care and reduce disparities for patients of all ethnicities. Research shows that Black patients tend to have better health outcomes when they are seen by Black physicians.

Health & Wellness Coalition

The HWC – promotes physical activity and good nutrition for every generation living in the greater Wichita area through people, programs and policies.