About 60 local students attend ‘Doc for a Day’

About 60 local students attend ‘Doc for a Day’

MSSC and the Family Medicine Interest Group at the University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita held a special “Doc for a Day” event on April 6. About 60 local Black and Hispanic middle and high school students rotated among hands-on learning stations where they practiced some of the skills used by doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers, including CPR and suturing.

MSSC Past President Maurice Duggins, MD, shared with students about the importance of having greater diversity in medicine. Holly Allen Terrell, MD, spoke about different healthcare jobs and their educational require­ments. About a dozen MSSC physicians and more than two dozen FMIG students volunteered for the event, along with staff members from the KUSM-W simulation lab.

FMIG students have held “Doc for a Day” events for high school students for many years. MSSC began part­nering with FMIG last year to hold an additional event spe­cifically aimed at middle and high school students of color.