Affiliates and Initiatives: A Year in Review

Affiliates and Initiatives: A Year in Review

Health ICT

A selection of notable successes in 2022:

Supported a Wichita pharmacy with establishing an accredited Diabetes Self-Management Education & Support (DSMES) program. Health ICT also supported a county healthy department in northeast Kansas, as well as a local diabetes management organization in Wichita.

Provided or supported education to Kansas community health workers on team-based care approaches to chronic disease management, as well as continuous glucose monitoring.

Supported a pilot project between Project Access and community health workers with Salud + Bienestar to offer the Healthy Heart Ambassador program, a self-measured blood pressure monitoring program intended to improve outcomes for patients with hypertension.

Project Access

Project Access was awarded a second grant through THRIVE Allen County to focus on expanding enrollment in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP). Project Access also hired a community health worker who focuses on improving health outcomes for clients of Project Access who have chronic health conditions including hyperlipidemia, hypertension, pre-diabetes and diabetes. Project Access continues to facilitate life-saving medical care and treatment, all due to the generosity of our medical community. Total donated care since inception is approaching $250 million, and we’ve helped nearly 15,000 individuals.

Kansas Business Group on Health

KBGH continued offering ongoing webinars highlighting different topics including health equity and ways to address obesity in a benefit plan, and issues involving the high cost of care. KBGH provided the latest information on Leapfrog survey results, employer responsibilities related to the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, and more. KBGH continued quarterly HR Forums and semi-annual book clubs. KBGH remains steadfast in providing up-to-date information to members for a positive impact on their health care benefit plans.

ProviDRs Care

ProviDRs Care had a busy year launching a subsidiary group health plan. Unified Health Plan is an integrated group health plan offering level-funded and partially self-funded options for employers with two or more employees. The plan went live on Oct. 1 for several employers with more coming on in January. ProviDRs Care also expanded its network footprint, adding seven hospitals in Arkansas, 16 in Missouri, eight hospitals in Oklahoma, and more than 2,000 providers across the three states.

Medical Provider Resources

MPR entered the year with a projected net loss but ended the fiscal year in the positive. Provider enrollment services continue to be popular as the additional requirements of the No Surprises Act have become burdensome for many practices. MPR launched an online application that allows MPR to process initial appointment and reappointment applications faster and track document updates in a more efficient manner. MPR completed its three-year strategic plan adopted in 2019 with the exception of building a reserve, which will be a priority moving forward.


The TPOPP program (Transportable Physician Orders for Patient Preferences) is designed to improve the quality of care people receive at the end of life. The Steering Committee meets at the MSSC offices. A new TPOPP form and clinical guide were updated in 2022. The new forms are available at the MSSC offices. For more information, visit

Health & Wellness Coalition

The Health & Wellness Coalition continues to collaborate and coordinate to promote physical activity and good nutrition for all generations living in the greater Wichita area. This work is promoted through monthly newsletters, partner emails, and hosting 10 successful Coalition meetings. The Food System Master Plan was adopted by the Wichita City Council and the Sedgwick County Commission at the beginning of 2022. The 17th annual Working Well Conference provided tangible ways to engage employees, reinforce best practices, and improve the worksite wellness plan.

Maternal Infant Health Coalition

The mission of the MIHC – created in partnership with MSSC – is to improve maternal and infant health outcomes in Sedgwick County by assuring quality preconception and perinatal care and using data-driven, evidence-based practices and quality improvement processes. Throughout 2022, the MIHC met to review local data, learn about local programs and resources, and network. Participating organizations focused on providing service delivery including prenatal education, home visitation, mental health, safe sleep, tobacco cessation services, breastfeeding education and public safety.

MSSC Medical Careers Loan Fund

MSSC provides subsidized low-interest student loans to local medical students and others seeking careers in the medical field. A committee reviews and approves the applications. No interest is charged on the loans while the students are in medical school. A small loan repayment begins during residency. MSSC also provides small, short-term emergency loans to students in need. More information about the loan program is available on the MSSC website,

Pharmacy Fraud Hotline

MSSC operates a local hotline for fraudulent prescriptions. Physician offices or pharmacies contact MSSC about a fraudulent script, and MSSC faxes an alert to more than 100 area pharmacies. The program supplements the state K-TRACS monitoring program.

Chronic Disease Risk Reduction

MSSC received CDRR (Chronic Disease Risk Reduction grant from KDHE) funding to work toward improving health outcomes and creating healthier environments in Wichita and Sedgwick County. This year’s priority projects focused on increasing the number of tobacco-free childcare facilities, advocating for tobacco-free parks and trails, recruiting and training behavioral health and other health professionals to provide better tobacco cessation treatment for patients, and assisting the Health & Wellness Coalition with successfully establishing a Wichita/Sedgwick County Food and Farm Council.