TPOPP form, clinical guide updated

TPOPP form, clinical guide updated

There is a new, updated form for documenting the treatment wishes of patients at the end of life. The formerly bright pink TPOPP form (Transportable Phy¬sician Orders for Patient Preferences) was modified to better align with the national POLST form (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment). The TPOPP clinical guide also has an updated FAQ section and instructions for the new form.

The TPOPP initiative began in Wichita in 2012 to help individuals make their own health care decisions near the end of their lives. TPOPP is a physician order and does not replace advance directives, such as a durable power of attorney or living will.

In determining if a patient might benefit from a TPOPP form, health care providers should ask them¬selves: “Would I be surprised if this patient died in the next year?” If the answer is “no,” it is time to discuss the patient’s wishes for end-of-life care, and the TPOPP form can document the conversation.
The form must be completed by a physician or health care provider during a discussion about the patient’s preferences and medical instructions. a physician should sign the form, as it is an order sheet and may travel to many health care sites of care.

The new TPOPP form, which is black and white with a pink border, is available at the MSSC office, 1102 S. Hillside. Forms also can be ordered from the Center for Practical Bioethics,

For more information, visit If physicians or organizations are interested in hav¬ing a representative speak to them or their staffs, call TPOPP Wichita chair Carolyn Harrison at (316) 259-3810.